Thursday, May 26, 2011

Menuju Alam Baru

masih ingat lagi kata-kata ustaz aziz masa zaman sekolah dulu....

" kita hidup ada banyak proochess , prochess ... " kihkih
" mula-mula proces kita lahir , pahtu proces kita belajor jalan , pahtu proces gi blajor , pahtu proces , nikah kawin , anak , cucu and sampailah mati.... "
dan sekarang aku sudah alami proces itu ustaz , proces ke alam universiti , proces ke arah yang lebih matang , proces untuk jadi manusia ! .

beberapa hari lagi aku akan daftar kat uia . yeer aku jadi student kembali selepas 5 bulan berehat , 5 bulan membeku otak . tapi kali ini bukan lagi pelajar sekolah yang berhingus tapi pelajar uni yang ~ matang ~~ ....

tak dapat aku bayangkan macam manalah hidup aku disana ? macam mana pelajaran aku disana ? macam mana kasih sayang aku disana ? macam mana makan minum aku disana ? dan macam mana macam mana .............. ??? 

apa yang aku perlu buat sekarang ? hanyalah menunggu 29 mei ini . bersedia dari segi mental dan fizikal dan bersedia juga untuk menerima kawan baru ... huhu tak sabar , nervous , takot , happy , gugup ? and malazzzz . semua perasaan ada sebelum masuk u .

to all people who noe me ... here i'm apologized to all mistakes that i've done here . i'm says sorry to u all bcoz this blog so boring . and wif open arm u can get away from here if u hate this blog . yeah i'm not angry wif that.. and if u like me and this blog even we dun noe better , pray 4 my success there to achieve my dream.. insyaALLAH....

frens never ending.. really really miss u guys.. shall we meet again.. and our ukhwah will last 4ver

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Special for SHANZ

i'm really happy ,,,

pada hari ini genaplah kami berlima berjaya ditempatkan di tempat belajar masing-masing . selepas bertungkus lumus study day and night inilah hasilnya . kami berlima atau lebih dikenali sebagai SHANZ akan melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang masing-masing dan sangat jauh berbeza antara kami semua . 

okeh , SHANZ adalah singkatan kami berlima . aku saja je reka nama tu hehe , tiba-tiba aje dapat idea on the sport . semoga ikatan kami berlima akan kekal selamanya hingga akhir hayat . 

to all SHANZ .. haha kelakor plak . aku list nama korang and nama tempat korang blajar yep

  • SURIATI --- Institut Perguruan Guru Kampus Islam , Selangor   ( BAHASA ARAB )
  • HASYIMAH --- Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia  ( TAHMIDI PERGIGIAN )
  • AIEN ( aku ) --- Universiti Islam Antarabangsa  ( FOUNDATION OF ALLHS )
  • NAJIHAH --- Universiti Teknologi Mara ( ASASI UNDANG - UNDANG )
  • AZIZAH --- Universiti Malaya ( ASASI SAINS HAYAT )

kita masih study dekat local kan . so.. still boleh jumpa . so all the best for us .. good luck for our next destination...

keputusan penempatan IPG  ... sape yang nak cek IPG , klik sebelah yep =)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

i Love Baking CMC

i love baking cakes soo much . no one can't pretend me from doing so . baking is my soul , from when ?? entah aku pun tak tahu , yang pasti minat aku mula tercenderung dalam bidang ni bila tengok cupcake yang kiut =.= " .

bila pulak aku start tengok cupcake tuh... ouhh aku pun dah lupa yang pastu minat aku mula timbul awal tahun ni.

then aku try baking cupcake . resepi aku just google je . my first trial ... damnn tak jadi . dalam tak masak , oven tak cukup panas , sukatan tak betul dan etc laa sebab dia . then aku try baking untuk kali kedua , aku try guna kukus then jadi ! betul-betul masak . masa tu happy ler dapat makan then bagi  dekat mak sedara duduk sebelah . dan kemudian hari-hari selepas tu aku cuba dan cuba dan cuba lagi sampai la aku buat hari itu .
ouh.. sebenarnya aku buat apa ? sebenarnya aku buat cupcake dan kek coklat je . tak la sedap mane boleh lah tahan.. ( mak aku yang cakap ) . aku pernah ada angan nak bukak kedai kek ngeeeeh.. koya~~ . tapi tak boleh dinafikan aku memang minat buat kek dan sape - sape pun tak boleh halang kecuali Allah tak menizinkan. mana tau suatu hari nanti aku boleh jadi pastrier and baker yang terkenal . hiiiiii koya lagik .

and sampailah suatu hari tu , aku dapat buat jugak kek coklat untuk yang terakhir maybe , sebelum berangkat ke PJ nanti . i though kek coklat tu paling best la yang pernah aku buat ..

 errrr... sampai meleleh ganache

 yang ni selepas ditabur dengan coklat urai

 best tak ??? heeeee ^.^

 oohhh kek coklat buatan ku the best !!

 aku sempat buat 3 bekas

satu untuk azizah and satu lagi untuk najihah
hadiah untuk birthday awook dua

kalau sape-sape yang tak pernah baking kek ni memang tak kan tau yang pekerjaan ini sangat penat . okeyh... aku buat 3 belas ni dalam masa 7 jam ! haha tak caya ? honestly aku start buat kek ni pukul 12 tengah hari . mula dengan letak acuan dalam bekas sampilah buat kukus dan sampailah siap ganache tu . 

huuuh~ memang letih . seingat aku bila azan maghrib baru la aku berhenti buat kek ni . then barula aku tahu kenapa la harga kek sekarang mahal sangat . baru aku tahu that is not easy to make a cake because it needs a looooong time to finish it . and other than that harga barang nak buat kek-kek ni mahal dee.. dan satu lagi susah jugak sebenarnya nak pastikan samada kek yang kat dalam tu masak ke tak .

that's why la kek sekarang ni mahal padan la cara buatanya.. haaa ada betol ke ??

anyway that was the last time i was baking . lepas ni kena stay kat hostel tak boleh buat keeeek... time to study plak and become a new members of  ' student's life  ' 
malasnya nak pergi uuuuuuuu....

ouh.. lupa nak bagi tahu , CMC tu ialah chocolate moist cake , the most feveret cake ~

Friday, May 6, 2011

uia Lagiii

memandangkan aku bakal jadi student UIA , iAllah .. so aku try la google pasal asasi UIA ni . last-last jumpa benda nih . sape-sape yang dapat asasi UIA tu cuba-cuba lah baca about asasi UIA . tapi yang ni untuk tahun lepas punye .

        so all the best for you =]

        Allah Knows

        between asasi sains kesihatan bersekutu UIAM and matrikulasi pahang ......

        aku dalam dilema lagi ni nak pilih yang mane satu , matrix or upu ? yang mana lebih terjamin ? of course la upu.. but kos yang aku dapat kat UIAM ni pun tak menjaminkan aku dapat masuk course yang aku minat bila degree nanti . so which one is better ? kesimpulan kecil yang aku boleh buat , kalau UIAM lebih terjamin untuk dapat course yang kita nak tapi kalau matrix hidup aku selepas itu mungkin tak terjamin , sebab lepasan matrix susah nak dapat tempat dekat upu nanti . aku dengar orang cakap la.

        mak aku memang dari awal suruh aku masuk UIA . sebab dalam family aku tak ada sorang pun yang masuk UIA so dia nak la jugak aku masuk UIA . kalau ikutkan hati aku still 50/50 nak masuk UIA . entah le kenapa  mungkin dari awal lagi aku dah tahu dah kot yang aku takkan dapat asasi yang aku mahu . lepas  cek upu tadi ... nyesal pun ada gembira pun ada . hmmm susahnye kalau tak ada pendirian hidup .

        kalau dari dulu mintak USIM kan senang dapat terus apa yang diimpikan . kalau ikutkan aku memang layak masuk tahmidi perubatan dan pergigian dekat USIM . tapi , entah le aku buat pilihan yang keenam dan ketujuh! . pilihan pertama sampai lima memang aku buat UIA . orang cakap kalau betul-betul nak masuk UIA pilihan pertama sampai lima mesti buat UIA . last-last dapat jugak .

        aku dapat sains kesihatan . seingat aku la student-student  yang ambik asasi kesihatn ni boleh sambung optometris , dietetik , audilogi , radiologi dan pengimejan . apa benda semua tu ? aku tak tahu apa-apa pun. apa aku nak jadi selepas ni ??

        tapi kalau nak ikutkan dekat asasi UIA boleh je nak tukar course . tapi tu lah senang je sebut .. tapi susah giler nak buat . yang aku  tahu dari kawan-kawan aku , asasi UIA ni boleh tukar course kalau dapat pointer tinggi dan lulus interview . tapi mampu ke aku buat semua tu . kat sekolah pun aku tak mampu nak dapat A+ in all the subject . dan satu lagi UIA ni ambil mase lama kat asasi .. 2 tahun . kalau kat matrix setahun je .

        kelebihan lain kat UIA ni.. kalau nak pergi U laen lepas asasi kat UIA pun boleh.. mmm?? betol ke ? aku pun tak pasti r benda ni . just dengar ura-ura saja . kalau silap .. soryy . kalau betol aku memang dah set awal-awal nak masuk USM ..

        haisy.. ape nak jadi ni ???
        apekebenda la aku merapu malam ni haaaaa ??

        but the most important is ALLAH KNOWS THE BEST FOR US ................

        UIAM Anyone ???

        SESI AKADEMIK 2011/2012

        NO. KAD PENGENALAN/MYKAD : 9303011****

        Anda telah berjaya ditawarkan program pengajian seperti berikut:
        KOD PROGRAM : Y0030 
        (Klik URL SURAT TAWARAN di atas untuk mendapatkan Surat Tawaran IPTA)

        Thursday, May 5, 2011

        Maxillofacial Surgery

        sape-sape yang rajin , silalah bace yep

        Oral and maxillofacial surgery

        Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
        US Navy 060522-N-9389D-149 Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Roland Alferos grabs a suture from a dental tray while assisting with oral surgery aboard USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63).jpg
        Names Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
        Type Specialty
        Activity sectors Dentistry
        Education required Dental degree Medical degree (depending on country)

        Oral and maxillofacial surgery is surgery to correct a wide spectrum of diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region. It is a recognized international surgical specialty and it is one of the nine specialties of dentistry (recognized as a medical specialty in certain parts of the world, such as the UK).


          In the U.S.A., UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Brazil, oral and maxillofacial surgery is one of the nine specialties recognized by the American Dental Association, Royal College of Surgeons of England, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Royal College of Dentists of Canada, Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and the Brazilian Federal Council of Odontology (CFO).

          In other parts of the world oral and maxillofacial surgery as a specialty exists but under different forms as the work is sometimes performed by a single or dual qualified specialist depending on each country's regulations and training opportunities available.


          An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is a regional specialist surgeon treating the entire craniomaxillofacial complex: anatomical area of the mouth, jaws, face, skull, as well as associated structures.
          Maxillofacial surgeons are usually initially qualified in dentistry and have undergone further surgical training. Some OMS residencies integrate a medical education as well and an appropriate degree in medicine (MBBS or MD or equivalent) is earned, although in the United States there is legally no difference in what a dual degree OMS can do compared to someone who earned a four year certificate. Generally, dual-degree programs have become more commonplace as the profession of OMS has recognized the value of holding a medical degree in terms of obtaining hospital and OR privileges. Oral & maxillofacial surgery is universally recognized as a one of the nine specialties of dentistry. However also in the UK and many other countries OMFS is a medical specialty requiring both medical and dental degrees, culminating in the FRCS (Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons). Regardless, all oral & maxillofacial surgeons must obtain a degree in dentistry (BDS, BDent, DDS, or DMD or equivalent) before being allowed to begin residency training in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

          They also may choose to undergo further training in a 1 or 2 year subspecialty fellowship training in the following areas:
          • Head and neck cancer - microvascular reconstruction
          • Cosmetic facial surgery
          • Craniofacial surgery/Pediatric Maxillofacial surgery/Cleft Surgery
          • Cranio-maxillofacial trauma
          • Head and neck reconstruction (plastic surgery of the head and neck region)
          • Maxillofacial regeneration(reformation of the facial region by advanced stem cell technique)
          The popularity of oral and maxillofacial surgery as a career for persons whose first degree was medicine, not dentistry, seems to be increasing in few EU countries However the public fund spend for 14 years of training is a big concern of the state. Integrated programs are becoming more available to medical graduates allowing them to complete the dental degree requirement in about 3 years in order for them to advance to subsequently complete Oral and Maxillofacial surgical training.


           Surgical procedures

          Treatments may be performed on the craniomaxillofacial complex: mouth, jaws, neck, face, skull, and include:
          • Dentoalveolar surgery (surgery to remove impacted teeth, difficult tooth extractions, extractions on medically compromised patients, bone grafting or preprosthetic surgery to provide better anatomy for the placement of implants, dentures, or other dental prostheses)
          • Diagnosis and treatment of benign pathology (cysts, tumors etc.)
          • Diagnosis and treatment (ablative and reconstructive surgery, microsurgery) of malignanthead and neck cancer). pathology (oral &
          • Diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous malignancy (skin cancer), lip reconstruction
          • Diagnosis and treatment of congenital craniofacial malformations such as cleft lip and palate and cranial vault malformations such as craniosynostosis, (craniofacial surgery)
          • Diagnosis and treatment of chronic facial pain disorders
          • Diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
          • Diagnosis and treatment of dysgnathia (incorrect bite), and orthognathic (literally "straight bite") reconstructive surgery, orthognathic surgery, maxillomandibular advancement, surgical correction of facial asymmetry.
          • Diagnosis and treatment of soft and hard tissue trauma of the oral and maxillofacial region (jaw fractures, cheek bone fractures, nasal fractures, LeFort fracture, skull fractures and eye socket fractures).
          • Splint and surgical treatment of sleep apnea, maxillomandibular advancement, genioplasty (in conjunction with sleep labs or physicians)
          • Surgery to insert osseointegrated (bone fused) dental implants and Maxillofacial implants for attaching craniofacial prostheses and bone anchored hearing aids.
          • Cosmetic surgery limited to the head and neck: (rhytidectomy/facelift, browlift, blepharoplasty/Asian blepharoplasty, otoplasty, rhinoplasty, septoplasty, cheek augmentation, chin augmentation, genioplasty, oculoplastics, neck liposuction, lip enhancement, injectable cosmetic treatments, botox, chemical peel etc.)

          In Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States

          Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is one of the 9 dental specialties recognized by the American Dental Association, Royal College of Dentists of Canada, the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeonsand College of Physician and Surgeons Pakistan. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery requires 4–6 years of further formal University training after dental school (DDS, BDent, DMD or BDS). Four-year residency programs grant a certificate of specialty training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Six-year residency programs grant the specialty certificate in addition to a medical degree (MD, DO, MBBS, MBChB etc.). Specialists in this field are designated registrable U.S. “Board Eligible” and warrant exclusive titles. Approximately 50% of the training programs in the U.S., 100% of the programs in Australia and New Zealand, and 20% of Canadian training programs, are "dual-degree". The trainees obtain a degree in Medicine (MD, DO, MBBS, MBChB etc) as well as a specialty certificate in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

          The typical training program for an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon is:
          • 2 - 4 Years Undergraduate Study (BS, BA, or equivalent degrees)
          • 4 Years Dental Study (DMD, BDent, DDS or BDS)
          • 4 - 6 Years Residency Training (additional time for acquiring medical degree)
          • After completion of surgical training most undertake final specialty examinations: (U.S. "Board Certified (ABOMS)"), (Australia/NZ: "FRACDS(OMS)"), or (Canada: "FRCD(C)(OMS)")
          • Many dually qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeons are now also obtaining Fellowships with the American College of Surgeons (FACS)
          • Average total length after Secondary School: 12 - 14 Years
          In addition, graduates of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery training programs can pursue fellowships, typically 1 – 2 years in length, in the following areas:
          • Head and neck cancer - microvascular reconstruction
          • Cosmetic facial surgery (facelift, rhinoplasty, etc.)
          • Craniofacial surgery/Pediatric Maxillofacial surgery (cleft lip and palate repair, surgery for craniosynostosis, etc.)
          • Cranio-maxillofacial trauma (soft tissue and skeletal injuries to the face, head and neck)

           Notable oral and maxillofacial surgeons

          • Luc Chikhani reconstructed Trevor Rees-Jones's face, which was flattened by the impact of the car crash that killed Diana, Princess of Wales.
          • Bernard Devauchelle a French oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Amiens University Hospital who in November 2005 successfully completed the first face transplant on Isabelle Dinoire.
          • Tomaso Vercellotti developed a new technology to reduce damage caused by traditional burs and saws called Piezosurgery which uses ultra sonic vibrations to cut bone tissue leaving soft tissue unharmed.

          The Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland

           Faculty of Dental Surgery of The Royal College of Surgeons of England

          ~ just sharing from wikipedia ~

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